Phone Valencia: 902039849
Phone Alicante: 965 670 171
With our fleet of vehicles we realize your move.
We organize your move and transfer – wherever continent you want to go to
Store all your furniture in our furniture depot.

We would like to give you the following advice, so that you can be able to realice your move this your without any worries:
Advice 1 – Choose a relocation company
There are many people involved in your move, but some of them are not moving professionals. Decide to get helf of a professional moving company during your move.
Advice 2 – Organization of the change of address
The organization of your change of address due to your move is very important. If this is not clarified, your move cannot be carried out.
Advice 3 – Define a period of time for your move
Organize and plan the time well during which the move and the preparations for the move are to take place. So that everything can be completed quickly as soon as the new house or apartment is available for you to move in.
Advice 4 – Inventory list of all your personal belongings
To prevent mistakes and misunderstandings during and after the move, you should keep an inventory list of all your items to be moved.
Advice 5 – Guarantee of relocation insurance
Professional removal companies are required by law to have insurance that covers damage to the items being transported.
Advice 6 – Checking the items before the move
Check the condition of electrical and computer equipment before it is packed, as these are heavy and very, very fragile items.
Advice 7 – Start packing as soon as possible
It is time to start packing as soon as you have solved all previous problems.
Advice 8 – Inspection of the empty old house
Check that you have packed everything from your house before you leave.
Advice 9 – Checking the items for possible damage
Before the completion of your moving service, you should have all furniture, decorations and computer equipment being checked by the moving company for any caused damage.

The Mobility Corporation is an association of national and international corporations of the relocation industry. The aim is a european collaboration and reporting of the companies.
The Mobility Corporation cooperates with other international associations and corporations worldwide to gain the best possible professionalism for our clients.